
Henry Ellis Warren (1894) Professor
Professor of Electrical and Biomedical Engineering
MacVicar Faculty Fellow
Professor of Electrical and Biomedical Engineering
MacVicar Faculty Fellow
James Noraky
MEng (2014)
PhD Candidate, MIT
PhD Candidate, MIT
Ehimwenma (Ehi) Nosakhare
SM (2013)
QT-interval adaptation to changes in autonomic balance
PhD Candidate, MIT
QT-interval adaptation to changes in autonomic balance
PhD Candidate, MIT
Aditya Kalluri
EECS SuperUROP (2012/2013)
Modeling the effects of intracranial hypertension on ocular physiology
MD/PhD Candidate, Harvard Medical School
Modeling the effects of intracranial hypertension on ocular physiology
MD/PhD Candidate, Harvard Medical School
Yu-chi Kuo
EECS SuperUROP (2012/2013)
Capnography in asthma patients
SB Candidate, MIT
Capnography in asthma patients
SB Candidate, MIT
Benjamin Frank
UROP (2012/2013)
Physiological signatures of sleep apnea in children
SB Candidate, MIT
Physiological signatures of sleep apnea in children
SB Candidate, MIT
Shamim Nemati
PhD (2013)
Identifying evolving multivariate dynamics in individual and cohort time series, with application to physiological control systems
Postdoc, Harvard University
Identifying evolving multivariate dynamics in individual and cohort time series, with application to physiological control systems
Postdoc, Harvard University
Gregory Ciccarelli
SM (2013)
Early warning of patient deterioration in the inpatient setting
Early warning of patient deterioration in the inpatient setting
Rebecca (Becky) Asher
SM (2012)
Capnographic analysis for disease classification
PhD Candidate, MIT
Capnographic analysis for disease classification
PhD Candidate, MIT
Andrea Fanelli
Visiting Student
Fetal Monitoring
Postdoctoral Associate, MIT
Fetal Monitoring
Postdoctoral Associate, MIT
Irena Hwang
MEng (2012)
Frequency domain model-based intracranial pressure estimation
PhD Candidate, Stanford University
Frequency domain model-based intracranial pressure estimation
PhD Candidate, Stanford University
Bryan Haslam
Priya Ramaswamy
MEng (2011)
Analyzing autonomic activity in neonatal seizures
MD Candidate, Tufts Medical School
Analyzing autonomic activity in neonatal seizures
MD Candidate, Tufts Medical School
Ekavali Mishra
MEng (2011)
Signal-processing approaches to analyzing patient cardiovascular state
Research Engineer, OsramOpto
Signal-processing approaches to analyzing patient cardiovascular state
Research Engineer, OsramOpto
Faisal Kashif
PhD (2011)
Modeling and estimation for non-invasive monitoring of intracranial pressure and cerebral autoregulation
Senior Research Engineer, Masimo Corporation
Modeling and estimation for non-invasive monitoring of intracranial pressure and cerebral autoregulation
Senior Research Engineer, Masimo Corporation
Ankit Gordhandas
SB (2010)
ECG analysis algorithms for TI MSP-430 based processors
Senior Biomedical Engineer
Cibiem, Inc.
ECG analysis algorithms for TI MSP-430 based processors
Senior Biomedical Engineer
Cibiem, Inc.
Varun Chirravuri
MEng (2010)
Identifying a low-order beat-to-beat model of arterial baroreflex action
CEO, Laveem, Inc.
Identifying a low-order beat-to-beat model of arterial baroreflex action
CEO, Laveem, Inc.
Laura Zager
PhD (2008)
Infection processes on networks with structural uncertainty
Patent Attorney, Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt
Infection processes on networks with structural uncertainty
Patent Attorney, Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt
Carlos Gomez-Uribe
PhD (2008)
Systems of chemical reactions in biology: dynamics, stochasticity, spatial effects and model reduction
Senior Statistician, Netflix, Inc.
Systems of chemical reactions in biology: dynamics, stochasticity, spatial effects and model reduction
Senior Statistician, Netflix, Inc.
Tushar Parlikar
PhD (2007)
Modeling and monitoring of cardiovascular dynamics for patients in critical care
Patent Agent, Google Inc.
Modeling and monitoring of cardiovascular dynamics for patients in critical care
Patent Agent, Google Inc.
Gireeja Ranade
SB (2007)
Estimation of total blood volume state from respiratory modulation of arterial blood pressure
PhD Candidate, UC Berkeley
Estimation of total blood volume state from respiratory modulation of arterial blood pressure
PhD Candidate, UC Berkeley
Shirley Li, JD
MEng (2007)
Probabilistic network models for cardiovascular monitoring
Associate, Goodwin Procter LLP
Probabilistic network models for cardiovascular monitoring
Associate, Goodwin Procter LLP
Said Francis
MEng (2007)
Continuous estimation of cardiac output and arterial resistance from arterial blood pressure using a third-order Windkessel model
MBA Candidate, Havard Business School
Continuous estimation of cardiac output and arterial resistance from arterial blood pressure using a third-order Windkessel model
MBA Candidate, Havard Business School
Ahmad Zamanian
Jennifer Roberts
SM (2006)
Bayesian networks for cardiovascular monitoring
Associate Research Scientist, Aptima, Inc.
Bayesian networks for cardiovascular monitoring
Associate Research Scientist, Aptima, Inc.
Eva Enns
SB (2006)
Assistant Professor of Health Policy and Management
University of Minnesota
Assistant Professor of Health Policy and Management
University of Minnesota
Carlos Renjifo
MEng (2005)
Exploration, processing and visualization of physiological signals from the ICU
Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory
Exploration, processing and visualization of physiological signals from the ICU
Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory
Zaid Samar
SM (2005)
Cardiovascular parameter estimation using a computational model
MBA Candidate, University of Toronto
Cardiovascular parameter estimation using a computational model
MBA Candidate, University of Toronto
Keyuan Xu
MEng (2005)
Stochastic modeling of biological sequence evolution
Algorithm Developer, Hudson River Trading
Stochastic modeling of biological sequence evolution
Algorithm Developer, Hudson River Trading
Spenser Chen
SM (2003)
Analytical solution to a simplified circulatory model using piecewise linear elastance function
Armed Forces of Singapore
Analytical solution to a simplified circulatory model using piecewise linear elastance function
Armed Forces of Singapore
Jolie Chang
SB (2002)
Cycle-averaged models of cardiovascular dynamics
Assistant Professor in Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, UCSF Medical Center
Cycle-averaged models of cardiovascular dynamics
Assistant Professor in Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, UCSF Medical Center
Alumni from Previous Lives
Doctoral Theses
Ignacio Perez-Arriaga, PhD (1981)
John Greshak, PhD (1985)
Reconstructing convex sets
Ryan Kim, PhD (1985)
Matrix algorithms for bilinear estimation problems in chemometrics
Malik Elbuluk, ScD (1986)
Resonant converters: topologies, dynamic modeling and control
Seth Sanders, PhD (1989)
William Clement Karl, PhD (1991)
Miguel Velez-Reyes, PhD (1992)
Decomposed algorithms for parameter estimation
Alexandar Stankovic, PhD (1993)
Random pulse modulation with applications to power electronic converters
Rami Mangoubi, ScD (1995)
Ganesh Ramaswamy, PhD (1995)
Christoforos Hadjicostis, PhD (1999)
Matthew Secor, PhD (2001)
Chalee Asvathiratham, PhD (2001)
Babak Ayazifar, PhD (2003)
Sandip Roy, PhD (2003)
Moment-linear stochastic systems and their applications
Ernst Scholz, PhD (2004)
Victor Preciado, PhD (2008)
William Richoux, PhD (2010)